Good Better Best

Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

Sorry but I love him

Hey, someone propose me to be his girl friend. Actually it`s kinda good guy. He has good      religion that I can see from the way he dresses, he acts, he reads the holy Quran, he prays. But I have one thing that I dont like from him. why he proposed me to be his girlfriend.               Dont he thought that we are not mahrom. Yeah, this is actually happen in fewer teenagers who are actually have good stuff in religion as muslim.                                                      
I can accept his proposal bacause I have a promise to GOD to be single till the time arrived. Meanwhile, I have somebody to love. Even we are talking rarely may be it`s about fourth times a year, those`re through media. but this is the reason why I have to keep my heart for him. 
Again, I need to say sorry to you, but this is all I have. Maybe you can find another muslimah who will be loyal to you and love you forever. 
"see your dress before you act"                      

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