Good Better Best

Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

I dreamed Jojo

Hey Buddies .
Can you imagine how will you feel when you have a snake with you everyday and everytime. You know, actually I like snake but I dont like it`s skin. HIHIHIHIHI
Couple days ago I dreamed having  pet and it was a snake, green snake exactly. At the time it was so funny. I called it Jojo. Hahaha. It was freak ha ? yeah it was.
Buddies I just remember when ma mom told me about the meaning of rdreaming snake. It means all about love specially for spouse. Spouse that exist for us if the snake bite us. But in my dream the snake was kind and cute. You I conclude that the dream means that I already get the spouse but it needs to wait untill he right time to be published. May be after I finished my S1. Amin
One name refres to the spouse is him, the good guy. He Buddies I love him J
Jojo I`ll keep you in my heart :

Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

For K

I Love You
I Love You
I love You 
I Love You

I Love You

I love You 
I Love You

I Love You

I love You 

I Love You

I Love You

I love You 

I Love You

I Love You

I love You 

I Love You

I Love You

I love You 

I Love You

I Love You

I love You 

I Love You

I Love You

I love You 

I Love You

I Love You

I love You 

I Love You

I Love You

I love You 

I Love You

I Love You

I love You 

I Love You

I Love You

I love You 

I Love You

I Love You

I love You 

I Love You

I Love You

I love You 

Fuckin` fella`s flirty !

Hey Buddies
it would be about my first love that has been waiting for almost 4 years but it gets nothing and about to be erased and burnt. I know you know who. Honestly when I write this I`mma about to cry but I try to make my self sure that he is not the right one. God has meet me to the one who admire. Actually I`mma just confuse who I love I mean I do love. Now, what I know from myself is he loves me not. It is only me who is hoping a love from a fella and a guy which is actually never come to me. I am just a foolish, silly, freaky, ugly, overconfidence girl. No one cares. I am just a girl who loves nothing. Can you imagine how sad I feel right now.
This fella is actually my first love. I have written many things about this, poem birthday sayer, and the silly thing I have done is even I love him but when he asked me te get him somebody to love, I did. I can not imagine how ridiculuos I am. How foolis I am, how stupid I am.
Hey Buddies, for this session please you just ignore about my feeling to the good guy right now, I am just telling you about my regret for my first love. Why I want to share about this actually because yesterday I met him. We had chit chat in WARKOP with another fellas, but still our friends.
No hello just a lil crush at our table and then he was busy on his cellphone. And suddenly, flrty flirty ! awhhhhhhhhhh !!!
It is just like he mocked on me and for severl times he gave hearts to me by his hand. I was wondering it is just true ? he gives heart.  Think for a couple time, and I said it is impossible. I know him he loves me not. How foolish I am. I hate on me.
May he thinks I am just a bubble gum or just a game boy whenever I am not useful for him then let he throw me away and take me back whenever he needs. I hate myself.
I just need somebody to love.
Sorry but now I can handle myself for figuring out my love is.
Buddies, again It is a silly thing of mine try to love but no one loves.

I love but no one loves

Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

Being Ignorance

Hey Buddies !
I am angry ! I do angry
But it`s all inside my heart and I cant show it to anybody. I hate the way he deal with me. I try to keep in touch I meant just say hello but he ignores me. Is this because I love him ? why, as I know I am free to love anybody no one can stop me. I also know that anyone is free to respone that love but is ignorance commonly include of the whole respone. Honestly if he said that he doesnt love me it will be fine instead of ignoring me.
Well, my life is about to be mess up and he makes mess it up. SILLY
Tell me how to apology that big silly fault.
Another question is is are they  the same between “menjaga hijab dan memutus silaturrahmi ” ?
Based on what I feel now, the answer is

Being ignorance is suck

Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

my Nickname (given by him) is used by other

Hey Buddies,
Two days ago I got a message.
This is how it said
“ ini ikan bukan “
I was really shocked and happy, why ? because the one who calls me ikan is him. Then I replied and made sure that the sender is him by asking who is this? Because the number used is not the old one. I smiled on my heart. I was nervous. I thought if it was him so that was the first time he text me after he knows th truth. A couple minute later I got a new message, I red and I knew who is the sender. Lil bit dissappointed because the sender is Umriza Makrufan Nasution not him. I was SO SAD. I just hope that he text me again consider that he never worry about my feeling f it is truly waiting for the right time. So the conclusion for today is still waiting for him contact me again.

I do like my nickname 

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

Si bayi berumur 66 Tahun "Indonesia"

Merdeka !
tapi aku belum Merdeka
Merdeka !
Hanya sebatas kta
Merdeka !
Hanya dipandang hukum
Merdeka !
Ku tak tahu milik siapa
Merdeka !
Merdeka !
Merdeka !
17 Agustus 1945 jadi saksi sejarah rakyat Indonesia sampai keseluruh pelosoknya mengikrarkan
Sang saka merah putih kebanggannya dikibarkan
Soekarna – Hatta jadi pemimpinnya
Tapi itu tahun 1945, dan sekarang tahun 2011
66 tahun sudah,
si bayi mungil Indonesia mengemban kata Merdeka
Namun 66 tahun bukanlah umur seorang bayi ?
Ya ! benar
Fakta berkata demikian
Lantas mengapa ?
Di umurnya yang ke 66 tahun
si bayi mungil Indonesia belum mampu berjalan
Pemerintahan yang masih lumpuh
Di umurnya yang ke 66 tahun
si bayi mungil Indonesia belum mampu bicara
Bicara kejujuran sangat sulit baginya
Di umurnya yang ke 66 tahun
si bayi mungil Indonesia belum mampu berpikir
perang pemikiran disana sini
Di umurnya yang ke 66 tahun
si bayi mungil Indonesia belum mampu menjaga barang miliknya
maling kebudayaan di sana sini
Di umurnya yang ke 66 tahun
si bayi mungil Indonesia belum mampu memakai bajunya
malu menggunakan produk dalam negeri
Di umurnya yang ke 66 tahun
si bayi mungil Indonesia belum mampu makan sendiri
impor bahan pangan
Di umurnya yang ke 66 tahun
si bayi mungil Indonesia belum mampu ....
Ah sudahlah !
Tapi tetap si bayi mungil Indonesia adalah kebanggaanku
Aku berjanji kata Merdeka itu dapat ku katakan secara merdeka
Merdeka !
Merdeka !
Merdeka !

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

Strangers turn to Family

Hey Buddies,
I wanna tell you about my new family
Here they are !
I`ve just known them for ten months. We stay in one campus that make me meet each other. In the middle of 2010, september we didnt knw each other. Get along the time we become close and closer as friend, even as family. Ten months is not a short time passed through with them all. They tell how hard is Jakarta even they are from outside Jakarta for the most. They teach me how deal with people. They teach me how to solve the matters. Sometimes, fighting is can be avoid but it1s just for a few minutes cause it will make us one.
I just feel very lucky when I know you all guys. SSE, we study at. Most of the time I have in this year spent with you guys.
Really happy.
But I am afraid if one day you leave as same as my previous experience. It` so bad and I hope it will never happen again.
Happy, sad, difficult, we pass together.
I just thanks for the surprise you gave for me in my 18th birthday even we jast make friend for one month but you are so kind to me.
This the real you all guys ? still I can imagine how lucky am I to know you. I dont need to mention you one by one to thank you guys, but I really wanna thanks for your kindness and I hope it will be untill we graduated and after we graduated we still be friend and family.
Woro Retno Kris Sejati
Dyah Ayu Setyani
Jenny Farida Sitorus
Upit Sofyani
Grace Meilani Ristiana Limbong
Dwi Martan
Andik Hidayat
Rindy Agustiansyah
Dian Ayu Utami
Angga Putera Prasetyo
Kristianto Saputro
Jefri Saputra

Friend, will let me pass my path by myself 

Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

Kick Ass E-pretty awesome-nough

Hey Buddies,

I`mma just watched the film “ KICK ASS ” I was wondering what the film will be. Now I say it is PRETTY AWESOME. You know, this film is the most download, I meant one of the ten film. So that`s why I watched it.
From the beginning until the end, it provides us couple surprises. Though I could read the plot sometimes but It still kinda good. The most impoertant thing for me is this film has lack of sex act. You know I was really worry whenever wathed such as Hollywood it will take so much sex acts. I dont really like those stuff.
You know Buddies, being super hero is kinda impossible at first but when it`s done it`s kinda cool. I swear it`s hard first because people will mock on us. May be we just like a comicholic, hero prefered.
But, it`s better to try first so will know what it will be being a super hero, at least for ourselves.
From this movie I just learn that
Being a hero is cool with the power,
if it is not t is just ass-kicked
(people kick your ass J)

Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

Gangsta is called SCAVENGER

Hey Buddies,
This noon I`mma gonna tell you about my friends that belong to SCAVENGER. It sounds wierd, doesnt it ? I got that name when I was in second semester Senior High School. Tina, Aroem, Sesy, Anggiy, me, Devi and Cicie praise to be bestfriend under name Scavenger. You know they are different from each other. I was happy with them all.
They known me well and suppoerted me. Our routin agenda as members of Scavenger or ed. As Scav was filling a Diary. That`s the uniqe things I ve done . I just thought that why we had to write beside talk to each other ? whether it is happines or sadness. AHAHAHAHAHA
They are Scavenger.
You know, buddies ?
We became the trend setter like a gangsta at that time. Friends of our even is jealous to see our gang. We have “rival” as gang. It was Zoo Gang :D
It so childish at first but it was pretty fun at last.
I missed the time with them. The thing is even I have a gang, didnt mean that I ignore another friends.
In the third semester we were separated away by the class. Oia one of us went to Pontianak. Really, it`s so bad. Since that we rarely gather. But still we are friends.
All the time with them wasny always smooth, sometimes fight  was common. HAHAHA
It`s called ABABIL
But, here is the most important thing I wanna tell, it is about Anggi.
She is regarded as my sister. I do love her. She is who I love the most. But I dunno if she feels the same. I admit that I did a mistake to her, but I try to apologizing. Again and again.
For sure, I really want her back to me again and carve a story as collegues as same as we did when we were students.
Buddies, do you have any idea to make her fully apologizes me ?
Really, I dont want to have someone hate me. REALLY
I know she is good person with goos personality.
One of my friend said that she will never make me as her close friend, just like “she knows me and I know her”. It is pretty sad.
We are free to make friends with but, the previous ones, I will never forget ! Friends still be Friends and never turn to Enemy

Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

I`mma extraordinary girl with ordinary skill

Hey Buddies,
Many people called them self as an ordinary person with extraordinary skill, I am not in !
why ? because it`s sound silly when they have an extraordinary skill but they still be an ordinary person. USELESS , dontcha?
As a human, we tend to be the best person. If it is so, meaning that everyone is attemp to best of the best. The statement to be an ordianry even have extraordinary skill still not match on my way of thinking.
Somehow, they wanna show their humblesness as a human, but again I am not.
I am Ika Siti Utami, as a girl tend to be different when some tend be like him, her, them. Being different means being special, though sometimes being special is sucks (glee, 2011).
God gives us fully energy to create everything worthy for you and I and for us. So, created as good as and as much as you can and you`ll be extraordinary person. Not an ordinary ones.
Oh yeah, we can talk about this topic from economy side. “little modal produce big product” I do agree with that, it can not be avoided that we are economic human. If it is so, there is no reason for you, Buddies to ignore what I`mma thinking right now.
 an ordinary skill


an extraordinary girl

 Again, this is the way of my thinking, if you dont, show me your colour.

poem of anak GALAU

Tak tau mau memulai dari mana.
Awal perjumpaan tak mengukir kenangan.
Tak ada kesan.
Tak ada niat sedikitpun tuk kenal lebih dekat.
Tuk sekadar menatap mu pun aku enggan.

Sungguh, semuanya biasa saja.

Tanpa duga, pertemuan yang tak pernah direncanakan terjadi.

Itu yang terbersit.
Itu yang terasa.
Ingin seperti mu...
Itu yang terucap.

Aku pun menaruh simpati.
Bertukar pikiran itu yang terjadi.

Seiring waktu berjalan aku pun jatuh hati.

Dia miliki segalanya untuk bekal dunia dan akhirat.
Ingin ku menjadi pendampingnya.
Tapi apakah mungkin.

Tak banyak berharap, dan ingin melepas semua keinginan bodoh itu di lepas pantai, sampai akhirnya pasir pun berbisik.
Nyiur pun melambai.
Seolah meyakinkan ku akan persamaan rasa yang aku dan dia miliki.

Tapi bagaimana mungkin dapat dipercaya.

Tingkah tak sesuai yang diharapkan.


Ingin ku dapatkan kemantapan hati atas perasaan ini.

Ku bertanya pada Ilahi.
Pasir dan nyiur, lagi-lagi jawabannya.

Dan kini membisikkan alasan yang sangat logika.


Betapa hampir sempurnanya dia.

Bukan hanya ketampanan wajah, tapi juga akhlak.

Tapi ku tetap tak tau mau berbuat apa.

Pasrahkan saja semua.

Yakinkan hati bahwa semua sudah terukir rapi di catatan rahasia-NYA.

"they IS my BEBECKS"

Hey Buddies,
Here it is ! today I`mma gonna shared about my ...
Ehmmm ehmmm
If you think hate will be love and love will be hate, it`s true for me.
These all about my hatred to some people, but now they are become the most loveable for me after my familiy.
July, 2007  that`s the first time I saw an ordinary girl (outside looked). She stared at me and so did I. I dunno what was happening at the time. One week after that she came to me at the first time we were in SMA 3 Medan as freshmen. She asked my help out to bring her stuff. No doubt I did. But my  friend at the time said that “ you know her ?” I said NO. “why she just pretend to be your friend?”. I said I DUNNO !. After that, at school she said hello to me intensively, but we were sepaated by the class. Well, someday friend of mind who was her classmate told me that she was a spoiled girl with lil bit conceited in style of speaking. I was influenced by her. Since then I didnt want to be her friend anymore. SO SILLY :D (her name was Nanda, and now still, Nanda)
Also, at that time I was very very very hate a girl who she classed with. Her name is SM. I hate her because she yelled at my classmate who randomly mix liquid in laboratory when we had a practicum together. Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy !!!!!!! who are you do you think ha? Just because of you are in the best class, so you think that we are more stupid than you ? HATE YOU ! DAMN (SM stand for Sugih Mahera)
July, 2008 I dunno if it was a fate or not but I classed with them who I hate. Why ? but  dont care at first because I have many friends also there. Being in one class, time by the time I should communicate with the two person I hate.
Well, it`s tasted good at first until NOW NOW NOW J
Then the HATRED be the LOVE
Well they are Nanda Safira and Sugih Mahera. We were close and we are so close.
Oia ! it might be I missed someone.
Here it is, Atika Primandina Putri. She is different from the two before. I nver hate her because were friend since PKR.
You remember when we were in the classroom at that night PKR, we ate pisang goreng and and played card. Actually it`s forbidden to be done.
 She was cute and she is more cute today. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I love her the way she is.
Now, the three of them is my sister. Hey, hey it is grammatically error to call three person using singular ! nope !
It is grammatically error but correcly context. Because for me they are united and can not be separated because if it is so it will make it lack of taste J
The siily stuff we`ve done, we labeled ourselves as BEBECKS.
That`s our. We just wanna carve a characteristic that whenever people said bebecks, IT IS US J
If you wanna know more about BEBECKS, Buddies.. you can contact us directly


IKA SITI UTAMI at Sampoerna School of Eudcation


@pizza Hut MW : Ika, Nanda, Atika, Sugih

FYI !!!
Even we are separated away,but we are truly separated away, ahahahaha
No no no no no

May I sing a song for you my bebecks,
Ehm emhm ehemem
Listen !

Mocca - The Best Thing

I’ve got the best thing in the world
Coz’ I got you in my heart
And this screw little world
Let’s hold hand together
We can share forever
Maybe someday the sky will be coloured with our love
I wake up in the morning
Feeling emptyness in my heart
This pain is just too real
I dream about you, with someone else
Please say that you love me
That we’ll never be apart
You have to promise
That you will be faithfull
And there will be lots and lots of love
It is the thing that really matters in this world…

No more to say and no more to write, because you`ve known Bebecks :*
See, I proof that

HATE first, LOVE last, and LOVE first LOVE last = everlasting