Good Better Best

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

Strangers turn to Family

Hey Buddies,
I wanna tell you about my new family
Here they are !
I`ve just known them for ten months. We stay in one campus that make me meet each other. In the middle of 2010, september we didnt knw each other. Get along the time we become close and closer as friend, even as family. Ten months is not a short time passed through with them all. They tell how hard is Jakarta even they are from outside Jakarta for the most. They teach me how deal with people. They teach me how to solve the matters. Sometimes, fighting is can be avoid but it1s just for a few minutes cause it will make us one.
I just feel very lucky when I know you all guys. SSE, we study at. Most of the time I have in this year spent with you guys.
Really happy.
But I am afraid if one day you leave as same as my previous experience. It` so bad and I hope it will never happen again.
Happy, sad, difficult, we pass together.
I just thanks for the surprise you gave for me in my 18th birthday even we jast make friend for one month but you are so kind to me.
This the real you all guys ? still I can imagine how lucky am I to know you. I dont need to mention you one by one to thank you guys, but I really wanna thanks for your kindness and I hope it will be untill we graduated and after we graduated we still be friend and family.
Woro Retno Kris Sejati
Dyah Ayu Setyani
Jenny Farida Sitorus
Upit Sofyani
Grace Meilani Ristiana Limbong
Dwi Martan
Andik Hidayat
Rindy Agustiansyah
Dian Ayu Utami
Angga Putera Prasetyo
Kristianto Saputro
Jefri Saputra

Friend, will let me pass my path by myself 

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